Choose To Bear Fruit That Will Remain

Friday, May 20th, 2022

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In today’s Gospel of John 15:12-17, Jesus is closing his speech about staying together, faithful, and in alignment with his teachings. He’s finishing what sounds like a contract to me, in verse 16, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.”

The part where I started exploring is “I chose you to go on bear fruit that will remain.” I asked,

  • Why do I do what I want to do?
  • Why do I want to help someone be their full self, their full expression of who they think they are, regardless of whatever other people think of them, whatever, all the people expect them to be? Or,
  • Why do I want something?
  • What type of fruit am I bearing?
  • Why do I want millions of dollars in the bank when money is something that can easily disappear? Especially, when it’s a concept society created as a way to facilitate the transfer of goods and services.
  • What are the implications of bearing fruit that will remain? As in something that will be here once I’m gone.

I spend a lot of time trying to bear fruit that is temporary. I’m trying to create things that will get me validation but not necessarily stay here forever.

The other interesting path of exploration is the promise that if I can stay producing the fruit that remains, the fruit that produces a lasting change in me and others, Jesus promises that if I go and ask through him, I will receive whatever it is that I’m asking.

My reflection here is:

  • What am I asking for if I am in that situation?
  • Is there a condition to my request?
  • Am I asking something selfishly solely for boosting my ego? Or,
  • Am I doing it in alignment with the essence of God, and what I feel is the proper thing to do?

It’s a battle I have with myself because I struggle to ask for things. I tend to think I didn’t earn it. I also tend to not feel comfortable having other people do things for me, especially when it comes to this idea of God.

I think this is my reminder to stay in alignment with that energy of creating things that last not those that can disappear with time.

An example could be giving my daughter experiences instead of more things because the memories last a lifetime but things break down with time.

What came up for you as you read?

In peace,


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