Two Simple Things That Make You Part Of Jesus’ Family

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He said to them in reply, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.” ~Lk 8:21

Before sharing my reflection, I thought starting with a quick side note.

If you have listened to any Christian debates or apologetics, you’ll know that the use of “brothers” is a commonly discussed. Especially when it comes to the Catholic faith since we believe Mary remain a virgin and Jesus had no brothers.

Depending on the translation of the Bible you use, you may see the word “brethren” used instead because the original Greek word used in this verse is adelphos which can mean half-brothers, stepbrothers, cousins, nephews, etc.

One could say it’s a toss up, but a stronger case for Jesus having no brothers and Mary staying forever virgin comes from Jesus on the cross. Jesus leaves Mother Mary in the care of John. The importance of this passage is that in Jewish tradition, a mother needed to be left in the care of the closes oldest son. When Jesus left Mother Mary to the care of John, it implies that there were no other brothers; otherwise, Jesus would be breaking Jewish law and one of the commandments, honor your father and mother.

You now have a fun fact and a strong argument for Mary eternal virginity and Jesus being a single child.

Back to my reflection.

Today’s Gospel is still connected to salvation and the kingdom of heaven. Jesus makes a strong remark that likely took everyone by surprise. In this instance, He chose to let Mother Mary and his family waiting.

But, what I appreciate most about the statement is the explicit combination for hearing and doing. It’s not either/or, it is a both/and.

I’m sure you can think of someone that thinks that all they need is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior to reach heaven. Similarly, we all know someone that’s trying to earn their way into heaven with all their charitable acts, devotions, and stewardship.

Yet, Jesus is clear, I’m paraphrasing, “my people is anyone who hears God’s word, and acts according to it.”

Here’s my twist, he doesn’t say those who are X religion. To be more specific, he doesn’t say “you need to be Catholic to be my people.”

Yes, we can enter a magisterial debate about “the ONE TRUE church” but let’s set that aside a moment and focus on the message not the labels that come with it.

  • How well do I hear God’s word?
  • How discipline am I to follow it?
  • How often do I impose my preference instead of doing what He asks?
  • How easy is it for me to focus on the actions to check all the boxes but there’s not heart or faith behind it?
  • How quick am I to use my faith as a justifier for not spreading the good news?

From my perspective, anyone who follows the God’s voice and does His will is playing their part for the Kingdom.

May the Holy Spirit help us hear God’s word and propel us to do something with it.

In peace,


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