golden Bible sitting at an angle on a table, dark overlay to highlight the title of the post

A Journey from Self-Reliance to Divine Collaboration

Click here for Daily Readings “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” ~ Lk 24:45 Today’s gospel shares Luke’s account of Jesus’ final teaching to his disciples and illuminating their understanding of the scriptures. This narrative not only highlights a miraculous encounter but also delves into the profound realization of divine intervention in…

Bible reflections - The Power of Recognizing Divine Intervention in Our Lives

The Power of Recognizing Divine Intervention in Our Lives”

This reflection encourages us to acknowledge the spiritual world.
To notice and appreciate the miraculous and serendipitous moments, and to remember that all these events are happening for a greater, divine purpose.
It reminds us that miracles and coincidences can still occur, so we should celebrate and remember them.