golden Bible sitting at an angle on a table, dark overlay to highlight the title of the post

In the Presence of the Divine: Learning to Let Go with Mary Magdalene

Click here for Daily Readings “Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.” ~ Jn 20:17a Today, I reflect on Mary Magdalene’s experience at the tomb of Jesus, as retold in the Gospel of John 20:11-18. The Moment of Release In this passage, I picture…

Following Your Inner Voice: Learning to listen to your Soul

Following Your Inner Voice: Learning to listen to your Soul

Click here for Daily Readings “Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” ~ Jn 14:5 Today, I’m using the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verses one through six, as inspiration for a life lesson I am currently learning. This time, Jesus is talking…

bible reflections - Letting Go of Attachments for Spiritual Fulfillment

Letting Go of Attachments for Spiritual Fulfillment

This reflection encourages aligning your life with God’s plan and to focus on spiritual fulfillment rather than worldly pursuits.
It suggests there is no need to make major sacrifices or deny oneself of fun and entertainment to follow God’s will but there’s is need to letting go of using worldly pursuits as the only means for happiness.