How is busyness getting in the way of what matters most to you?

Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

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The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” ~Lk 10:41-42

What connected with me in today’s Gospel was Martha’s focus on getting things done and keeping busy. Also, it seems Martha is annoyed by Mary not helping her with the chores.

The scene brings me back to times in my corporate role where I felt like I was carrying the entire team. I was running around all over the place while others seemed to be hanging out and having a pleasant time.

  • Why am I the only one super busy?
  • Why is Jane not doing the same things if she has the same job?
  • Why am I the only one that seems to care?

Jesus’ response seems to be a wake-up call for Martha. He rebukes her complaints to point out that, with all the busy work, she is missing out on experiencing what’s important.

To me, that’s similar to life events that force me to slow down so that I can come back to the present moment.

How are you letting the busyness of life distract you from what truly matters?

How is “getting things done” standing in the way of appreciating the present moment?

In peace,


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