Divine Possibilities: The Spiritual Lessons from a Crippled Man’s Healing

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“Peter said, “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk.” ~ Acts 3:6

Today, I explore the healing of the crippled man as shared in Acts 3:1-10.

In this scene, we witness a miraculous exchange between Peter, John, and a crippled man begging at the temple gates. It prompted me to explore spiritual lessons about acceptance, generosity, and the limitations we place upon ourselves and our understanding of our spiritual gifts.

The Crippled Man: A Reflection of Our Own Limitations

I see the crippled man representing a familiar state: resignation to our circumstances. Like him, how often do we find ourselves asking for the bare minimum from life, from God, and from those around us?

I see this resignation stemming from a belief that we are confined and obligated to play the hand we were dealt. We judge ourselves unable to see a reality beyond our current circumstances.

This man’s plea for alms as the bare minimum to stay alive, mirrors the moments I limit my prayers and desires to what I think is feasible, acceptable, and worthy rather than what is possible through God’s grace.

Peter’s Response: A Lesson in Giving and Receiving

Peter’s response to the crippled man’s request illuminates a path of true giving and receiving. “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

Peter offers not what was asked, but what he had, and what was needed. In doing so, he transcends the man’s expectations, providing a blessing far greater than any monetary aid. This moment challenges us to reflect: How often do we limit the gifts we offer to others, or the blessings we are willing to accept, based on our narrow view of worth or possibility?

Embracing a World of Divine Possibilities

The crippled man’s acceptance of Peter’s gift, and his subsequent healing, reminds me of the importance of remaining open to the blessings that come my way, even those that seem too good to be true or beyond my deserving.

It’s a vivid reminder that my vision of what’s possible is often too small compared to the vastness of God’s grace. This story is an invitation to expand our spiritual horizons, to share our spiritual gifts without expectation, and to graciously welcome God’s blessings.

As we ponder this passage, let us ask ourselves:

  • Where do I limit myself in sharing my spiritual gifts? How can I share them more freely?
  • Where have I rejected God’s blessings in my life? Why?
  • How does this passage inspire me to expand my view of what’s possible in my life through God’s grace?

In peace,


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