What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?

Monday, october 4th, 2021

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“He replied, ‘The one who showed pity towards him.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go, and do the same yourself.’” ~Lk 10:37

Today’s Gospel scene reminds me of the many times I have done things to check the box instead of doing them because I wanted to.

From going to mass because it’s a habit to giving money to someone in need because “it’s the Christian thing to do.”

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Notice that Jesus doesn’t give his answer, he asks the scholar to recite what the law says. As expected, the scholar knew the right answer.


Did he understand what it meant?

And if he understood what it meant, was he applying it?

I see many, myself included, willing to help others with resources, time, money, knowledge, etc. because it’s what Christians are called to do. But what sometimes is lacking behind all that help is the energy of mercy, servanthood, and love of neighbor behind it.

Today, I pray that acts of service come from a place of mercy and love rather than wanting to “earn some credit” with God.

In peace,


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